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Interested in being a part of the excitement of Midwest Westie Fest!?  Even just an hour will be a HUGE help to us, because we need more people like Katniss Everdeen:



Here are ways you can help out:

  • DOOR ATTENDANTS: Check wristbands at the door during workshops and dances and to direct people to registration.

  • SET UP CREW: Assist Friday with Ballroom/Floor setup.

  • CLEAN UP CREW: Assist Sunday (early morning) with Ballroom/Floor cleanup.

  • GOFERS: Pick up ice, fill up the water coolers, take out the trash, etc.

Please e-mail if you’re interested in helping us in any way.  

Also check out the Sponsorship page for other ways you can contribute to Midwest Westie Fest and grow the Kansas City dance scene.


We appreciate you! See you in July!

Cari Chestnut
Co-event director & Volunteer Coordinator

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